
Wednesday 27 February 2008

It's TV, but not as we know it

We’ve decided that tying Sammie up at the end of the barn so he can look out over the gate and view the countryside beyond, is the equivalent of putting a human in front of the TV. I reckon his nightly viewing must be the equivalent of a good old Soap, the local news, a scary movie and a wildlife programme all rolled into one.

Every evening I normally tie him up there while I get his bed, hay and water supply sorted for the night. He’s just as happy as a sandboy, standing there gazing out seeing all sorts of things that we just don’t see.

He snorts the odd alert “Well I never! What a nerve! Would ya believe it!” His ears strain forwards at the slightest sound or rustle “Who goes there? What you doin’? You just watch it pal!”

None of the other horses pay much attention except the Dutch Warmblood in the end box. “What is it? Oooh should I be scared! Tell me, tell me!” “Nah”, says Sammie, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it. You foreign horses just don’t understand the ways of the countryside like us Irish natives.”

Whatever lurks out there will keep him amused, amazed and shocked for anything up to an hour. As soon as I approach and ask if he’s ready for bed, he turns his head to look at me and takes a step back. “Yep, I think I’m about done here. I’ve put out the necessary warnings and I don’t think they’ll be anything bothering us tonight.”

Where would the yard be without Sammie Soldier making sure that all was right with the world before turning in for the night?

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