
Friday 6 February 2009

Frosty the unwelcome snowman

We've still got the snow. It's melted a bit, but the fields and the outside yard are still covered and it's getting more slippery by the day. We had a mixture of more snow with a wee bit of sleet thrown in today. I hope the sun does a bit of a job on it tomorrow, but not so sure with such cold temperatures.

I took Sammie for a walk today. I didn't feel at all safe. I think he sensed that he really shouldn't pull me around in any way otherwise there would have been one almighty splat! So we both moved along very gingerly with Sammie sniffing for any available green stuff along the way. He had a big shock when he came across the yard snowman - he really couldn't work out what the heck it was so just stood there snorting at it from a distance.

The horses are going out for shorter times at the moment because after a few hours they're all waiting by the gate begging to be let in for some hay. They snuffle about out there and get what they can, but there's really not much to be had at all.

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