
Friday 21 November 2008

Escape artist

Well the gorgeous Sammie broke out of his stable today. Not through the stable door but through his pretty sturdy chain and rubber door guard thing. He's developed a habit of poking his front legs out and pawing the walkway when dinner is on the way and tonight he must have really pushed his weight against it and he fell out giving himself one hell of a shock.

He quickly backed up into his box and lots of snorts followed while he stood there shaking his head in disbelief! It's only ever on there when people are about so no worries there, but what a vandal - I told him I'd be issuing him with a Criminal Damage fine. His face was a picture though! I managed to sort of hook the broken bits together quite firmly and then covered it with loads of gaffer tape while he stood there trying to touch it to get some treats.

I managed to long line Sammie yesterday and he was in such a better mood afterwards. He was fairly out of control at some points and very keen to get going and keep going, but he actually looked pretty happy to be prancing around. I'd noticed that he'd got more and more grumpy during the last week when I was too ill to do anything with him. There was such a marked change in him back in his box after exercise. I've never noticed that before or maybe it's just a new thing with Sammie.

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