
Monday 4 August 2008

Let me take you down, cuz we're going to....

Strawberry Fields!

Yesterday Sammie and I went longlining round the strawberry fields. Sammie was in marching mode so we got round in double quick time and I decided to take him into the pond field for a quick whizz in there. Well, he found that highly exciting and I have to confess that I had very little control at times. I think he considered it an incredibly odd thing to be doing, so he decided to high tail it and throw in a couple of bucks for good measure. I got back to the yard exhausted - he looked as fresh as a daisy.

I managed to have a bit of a go with his hinds over the last couple of days - little and often is the way forward I think and then there won't be too much to do in one go. YM said she thought I had done a pretty good job and they are starting to look a lot better now the nail holes are growing out. I still have my doubts as to whether he will make it through this or not, but at least I know that I'm giving him every chance.

He really was looking lovely after I'd cleaned him up back at the yard and I gave him his dinner out the back in the tea and coffee area as he quite likes it in there (probably because that's where the food is!) .

After that he just stood there ground tied waiting for me to finish a cup of tea and YM commented that he really is looking good and wouldn't look out of place in a showing class. That made me feel very proud and I have to say he did look beautiful - just one of those moments I guess.

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