
Sunday 7 September 2008

Rain, rain, go away!

Can somebody please turn the tap off? This is getting pretty miserable now. I don't mind changing weather, but after the lousy summer this really is getting a bit much.

Sammie DID NOT want to come out of his bedroom yesterday so I think it's starting to get to him too. I know they're horses, but I'm sure the strange weather has an affect on them as well - they don't know whether they should be growing a warmer coat or not.

I gave him the day off yesterday as by the time I got to him I would have got him wet if I'd exercised and then I wouldn't have been able to put his outdoor rug on until he dried out. Today I planned to ride earlier on; that's if he would agree to come out of his bedroom of course!

I took Sammie in the school, in the end. I am dogged by a nagging doubt at the very back of my mind: "Is this going to be the day?" I really do have to try and control it a bit more I think.
He was an absolute star. One of those days when we could have just trotted forever. Slow trot, fast trot a bit of canter, he did it all and only with one spook down the scary end (it was VERY scary down there today!). We did a good half hour but it was all work and although he still had petrol in his engine, I decided to stop as he'd been so good.

I had a bit of a go with his feet when we got back and again, he was as good as gold - still a bit more snatchy with the right than the left but then he's always been that way. I've got a sanding block now and I find that quite useful just to smooth of the little rough bits that crop up every now and again. He's still chipping a bit, particularly where the clips were but farrier said that would happen so we just have to go through it.

I think I'll just long rein him in the school tomorrow before the farrier. Nothing too strenuous, just something to get him moving. I don't intend to sedate him tomorrow either. He's ok with his fronts and we'll just play it by ear with the hinds although our farrier can usually tell what's going on underneath the foot by looking at the outside anyway. I just want him to check that we're doing as best as we can and any useful pointers that he can give me.

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