
Tuesday 29 July 2008

Can canter, can't stop!

I can't stop Sammie cantering on the left rein now. He's gone from being a horse that was difficult to get into anything that resembled a canter to a horse that once he starts, won't stop. He will break for a trot now and again, when he decides that what I'm asking might be a good idea, but the slightest move from me and he's off again. This is primarily on the left rein - his favourite side.

We were working on the long lines today and the barmy thing just kept doing it! Not a crazy canter at all, so nothing to worry about. In fact it's a pleasure that he's so willing. When I eventually got him back to walk he immediately started the Spanish Stamp with both legs - still very odd looking and it does make me laugh with all the effort he puts in with such a stern and determined look on his face.

Crikey, these days if you give him an idea he takes it to the extreme. Funny boy. He made me quite dizzy today.

It's a month without hind shoes now and I still can't see any tell tale signs. I just hope our farrier doesn't tell me something different on Thursday.

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