
Tuesday 22 July 2008

Barefoot in the Park

Sammie and I had our first hack with back bare feet this past Sunday. Sammie didn't seem to be ouchy at all, despite a few stony areas. Helps that the soil here is sandy, so the stones sink into the sand under pressure. We were only out for about 45/50 minutes walking with one or two short trots. He was tracking up the whole way round and I certainly didn't feel anything that worried me. I think he's lost a wee bit of fitness, but apart from that we came back in one piece.

I long lined him yesterday just to check that he was still ok and he was. In fact he did the most lovely canter on the left rein I've ever seem him do and on quite a small circle. So for the time being, we seem to be on the right path. I'm still going to be building it up gradually over the next month or so and I'll be interested to hear what our farrier thinks when he seems him next week.

I've been thinking about Spanish Stamp and I think I know what I've got to do. Yesterday on the long lines we did start to get the other leg working a bit too - not brilliant but he was shocked by the amount of praise he got for it so hopefully it will help. We also did the hoppity hop version as well and once he starts he just doesn't want to stop. It really does need two people. He does it with such energy though, not an elegant rise and fall but a real STAMP. I can't work out why he does it with such force! But it does make me laugh.

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