
Wednesday 22 October 2008

Independent spirit

I went to muck out Sammie this morning as usual. When YM serves breakfast I always pop him in the empty stable next door rather than leaving him standing at the gate. Only this time I forgot to put his lead rope across the door which is usually enough to deter him.

Breakfast was gobbled down and as I walked to the other end of the yard I just happened to look back to see Sammie poke his head out, look left, then right and make his 'stealthy' escape. "If I take it slow, I'm sure they won't notice. Easy does it." He did go very slowly, almost like he was creeping, so I thought I would catch him up and I wasn't too worried as I knew he'd head for the top fields.

However as he crept out of the barn he was very shocked to see the new display of one of the dog's practice agility jumps out the back and took off at smart trot, snorting away to himself. I then spent the next 10 minutes trying to persuade him that he really should come back and get out to his own field. Needless to say he made me late for work, but he did look rather good taking off at a pacey trot with his neck arched and tail held aloft, even though I wasn't impressed with the 'catch me if you can' game in the muddiest part of the field.

When we walked back to the barn, he didn't give the agility jumps a second glance. What a monkey!

I managed to long line today and the left rein canter is still improving. I'm trying to get a consistent 'bounce' into canter. It can still be a bit hit and miss but I reckon we're getting there.

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