
Friday 24 October 2008

Tails of the Unexpected

Sammie went on the run (again) today, this time with me hanging on to his tail. I was untacking him outside the tack room after our ride and normally he just stands there with his bridle on (not very BHS I know) I was talking to H and just resting on his bottom and he decided it was about time to move off. The only thing I could grab was his tail. He didn't give two hoots that I was pulling on it. So we went round the back of the yard and up towards the top fields - yes, with me hanging off his tail. I didn't want to let go because I was worried that he might catch himself in the reins.

He actually took me to the very top, I couldn't believe it. Boy he's a powerful monkey once he gets going - talk about horsepower! He just walked but it took all my effort to keep up with him. Eventually I managed to turn him into some trees a bit, which slowed him down and I was just about able to grab a rein whilst still holding onto his tail.

What a sight we must have looked!! He really didn't seem to think it was at all odd to have me hanging off his back end. He certainly made no attempt to run away, just walked very purposefully taking in the sights as he went along. Who needs long lines?

That's a first for me, but afterwards I thought what a turnaround that he didn't try to buck or kick me out of the way. He was just so unconcerned about it. Of course everyone had a good natured laugh at my expense when I returned with Sammie in hand.

Prior to that new trick he was a very good boy in the school. Got down to work and gave me a couple of nice canters. My new clippers should be arriving tomorrow so I intend to get the rid of the rest of his fluffy tummy and chest by the end of the weekend. He really is getting so wet around there, it can't be good for him.

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