
Thursday 30 October 2008

Nocturnal Moves

It was dark when I got to the yard today, a bit drizzly and pretty windy (and cold of course!) We've missed a lot of exercise sessions this week so I was determined to do something. Got him dressed up in his long lining gear and without thinking really, long lined him down to the school in the dark. I did question my decision as we left the yard, but he just strode on right down to the school. A few snorts here and there, but he looked almost keen to get into the school.

Once there, he worked like clockwork. Trotting and cantering, even down the scary end with the floodlights on. I walked him round a bit after we'd finished to loosen him off and then exited the school to turn off one of the floodlights (we leave one one so we can see our way back) I turned it off, turned Sammie to head back to the yard and he decided to take himself back in the school and go for another walk. He wasn't scared, I think he was actually quite happy to be doing a bit of work.

I eventually persuaded him that we really should be on our way and he long lined the whole way back until he heard an electric fence clicking. That was too much for him in the dark and after a mild panic attack, he stood firm and let me undo the long lines so I could lead him back. We did get in a bit of a tangle but he just did as I asked and was then happy to walk alongside me the rest of the way.

I rugged him up and left him watching TV while I got his supper ready. He just loves looking out there in the dark but the sound of supper soon saw him asking to get back to his stable pronto!

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